CPD Online Academy
to the CA Sri Lanka Online Academy!
your professional experience is now at your fingertips.
an effort to help our members enhance their knowledge on pertinent topics in
relation to their professional progression, CA Sri Lanka has introduced online
CPD programmes through two online academies. The CPD programmes are carefully
selected to challenge, stimulate and inspire you, whilst allowing you to obtain
your CPD hours online, for your further progression as a Chartered Accountant.
number of CPD hours granted for each course is shown at the beginning of the
video followed by Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), by which you are required
to complete in order to complete your course. The following options are
provided to you under the CPD Online Academy;
OPTION 1 – At CA Sri Lanka, we deliver CPD programmes
face-to-face to assist our members to develop and enhance their skills and
competency. Some of these programmes are now available online to benefit the
members who are unable to attend due to various circumstances and 5 courses will
be available free-of-charge at this introduction stage of the Online Academy. There
after CA member can make the payments online and access their online courses.
OPTION 2 – accountingcpd.net is an online resource for
verifiable accounting CPD courses. The courses are published by
Nelson Croom, which has been providing progressive courses to accountants and
other professionals for over 10 years. Accountingcpd.net makes these courses
available to you directly for individual purchase.
CPD in partnership with CA Sri Lanka has now carefully selected over 150
courses to help our members enhance their knowledge on relevant topics in relation to their progression. This is an additional
option we have provided our members to further progress as a Chartered
members can avail the promotions and negotiated rates by providing a discount
code on the site on a regular basis. We recommend that our members navigate the
options and opt for either of Option 1 or 2 or even both to commence your
online CPD Learning today!
Step - by - Step Guide for CA Sri Lanka Online Courses
If you are unable to login – please email cpd@casrilanka.org